Discipline trumps motivation
Discipline. Just Do It!

Anyone who knows me well would have heard these slightly-uncomfortable-to-hear, nonetheless, very true words from me at least once. Full disclosure here… I can’t take credit for this wisdom. I can, however, confirm that this insight from my shrewd little brother which I’m about to share has given me the kick up the arse that I’ve needed time and time again when my zest for life was a complete and utter no-show. In the event that a lack of motivation has taken ahold of you recently, allow me to pass on this tiny, yet beautifully shiny gem about self-discipline.

‘Don’t expect motivation to get you out of bed when you’re feeling low. Motivation lasts for approximately 15 minutes. It’s your discipline that gets you up and out, and performing again, and again, and again.’

Thank you baby brother. Of all the advice I’ve ever received from anyone at all, this is about the only one that’s stuck.

But Discipline is a Punishment… No?

The dictionary definition of discipline is ‘the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.’

Yuck! No wonder we’re averse to it. Going by this definition, only a masochist would be able to follow through with anything they wanted to achieve. Assuming the motivation behind our actions is self-determined, I’d like to update the meaning of the word. It doesn’t need to be rigid, strict, and serious. Self-discipline shouldn’t be self inflicted pain. Guys – if we’re working towards finding the joy in the journey, then it certainly shouldn’t feel like a punishment! I see self-discipline as being the Just Do It (even though you don’t feel like it) attitude. It’s being consistent with something, even though it might be tough. Yes – it will probably take some kind of sacrifice, but the sacrifice is for the greater good of something you yourself have CHOSEN to work towards.

We must therefore allow our discipline to kick in when our motivation fails to pull us through.

Paving the Way for Freedom

It may sound like a paradox, but self-discipline is, in fact, the antidote to freedom. Hear me out.

If having freedom is having the choice to live the life we want without being influenced or dissuaded by others, and it takes discipline to stick to the rules we make for ourselves in order to live that life, then isn’t the connection obvious? Whatever your goal, whether physical or mental, discipline will eventually set you free. Because if you’re persistent and consistent enough, I guarantee there will come a day when your discipline becomes second nature, and you’ll wonder why you ever questioned doing it in the first place. It will begin to be a pleasure.

So next time you’re feeling uninspired, remember this: Discipline is the secret passageway that leads you from the barren land of “I can’t be bothered”, to the promised land of “I did it!” And nothing beats the feeling of just having done it.

My friend – just f**ing do it.




Feel Inspired?

Thanks for taking your time to reading this post. I hope you found it useful.

We’ll dive deeper into the above plus much more in my coaching program. If you’re considering life coaching, let’s get in touch so we can talk about your options.

Picture of Anjuli Arora

Anjuli Arora

Life coach and fashion designer, providing words of wisdom and tongue in cheek humour to get you thinking.

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