Stress - a superhero in disguise
Is Stress a Superhero in Disguise?

Have you ever felt like you have a personal superhero that’s always by your side, no matter what? Well, if you’re a human being, you do! Meet Stress – the unsung hero of the modern world.

Yes, that’s right, Stress is always there for you, ready to jump into action at a moment’s notice. She’s always on call, 24/7, even on holidays and weekends. And the best part? You don’t have to pay her a salary or give her any benefits. Talk about a true friend.

Unfortunately, contrary to your typical superhero, Stress doesn’t always bring out the best in you. In fact, sometimes she can be a real pain in the neck (literally). You see, our superhero alter-ego is always ready to save the day with a shot of adrenaline and a boost of cortisol, which can give you the power to perform at your best in a dangerous situation. But if you’re stuck in traffic, or if you’re giving a presentation at work, or if you’re just trying to get some sleep – well, let’s just say that she can be a bit overzealous.

But don’t stress! She doesn’t mean to cause trouble. She’s just trying to do her job. After all, she’s been around for millions of years, long before humans evolved. And back in the day, she was a lifesaver, helping our ancestors survive wild animal attacks and conflicts with other tribes. But now, in the modern world, she has to deal with a whole new set of challenges, like work-related stress, financial stress, and relationship stress.

Unlike our ancestors, we can’t run away from our stressors. We’re stuck with them, day in and day out. So what’s a stressed-out superhero to do? Well, she’s still there for you, always ready to jump into action. But you need to be there for her too. You need to help her stay in shape, so she doesn’t start acting out.

So if you want to be a true stress-fighting superhero, here are some tips and tricks:

  • Take care of your physical and mental health. Eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep
  • Learn to manage your stress. Find healthy coping mechanisms that work for you
  • Build a support network. Surround yourself with people who love and support you
  • Prioritize self-care and relaxation. Take time to do things you love and recharge your batteries


With these solutions at hand, you and Stress can work together to conquer any challenge that comes your way. So next time you’re upset about your stress levels, don’t be afraid to embrace your inner superhero. She’s always there for you, ready to help you become the best performing version of yourself. Just remember, she’s a double-edged sword, so use her wisely!

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We’ll dive deeper into the above plus much more in my coaching program. If you’re considering life coaching, let’s get in touch so we can talk about your options.

Picture of Anjuli Arora

Anjuli Arora

Life coach and fashion designer, providing words of wisdom and tongue in cheek humour to get you thinking.

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