Play More, Think Less

I don’t know about you, but every once in a while, normally during the darkest months of the year, life becomes a bit too serious for my liking. I can’t find my laugh anywhere, except for the evil, sniggering little devil on my shoulder. I’ll get caught up in whirlwind of negative thought patterns; my upbeat mood drops away while I beat myself up for not moving to the beat of my own freaking drum. Play is a complete and utter no show.

During these times, I find it useful to remind myself of my number one life rule: Play more, think less.

Play – Just for the Fun of it

A ‘playing more and thinking less’ approach to life might sound flippant. However, I’m not suggesting carelessly sweeping our problems under the carpet. Not at all. Personally, I want the underneath of my rug to be as dust-free and sparkly as the rest of my floors. I’m saying that when we are trapped in negative cycles, we should consider taking a brain break. Our brains work hard, day in, and day out. So when it’s under increased pressure from negative thoughts and worries, it deserves a rest. In fact, even on the days when it’s clear and clutter free, it still deserves to have some fun.

If we dedicate some time to stepping away from our never-ending thoughts and having fun just for the sake of it, we might be able to disperse the mound of dusty negativity that once clouded our view. This, in turn, can clear the way for a fresh perspective. If not, chances are we’ll feel better equipped to tackle that dusty carpet with all our tools and cleaning devices once we’ve rested and re-fuelled. Play doesn’t need a purpose. It’s ok to play and have fun just because you want to. In fact – it’s recommended.

The Power of Play

We often associate the word ‘play’ with immaturity, but it doesn’t need to be juvenile. Play comes in many shapes and forms, and a playful approach doesn’t mean a shallow approach. To me, it means letting go of my worries and embracing the moment. It’s an opportunity to give my analytical brain a break while I connect with my body, my imagination, and my creativity. We are living, organic beings, and although our lifestyles sometimes suggest otherwise, we’re not robots! We need to flow, feel free and have fun to feel alive.

Play can help us gain energy and confidence… how great is that? But the thing that I love most about play, is how it makes me get so lost in the moment that it has the power to melt away all my troubles. Whether it’s through physical activity, creativity, or social fun and games, play helps me to stop worrying. It helps me to let go of expectations from others, and expectations from myself. Playing reminds me to get out of my head and JUST BE in my own body. It helps me to channel my fearless, unapologetic approach that makes me feel the most alive. It makes me feel wild and free: my ultimate life goal.

The Simple Science

Play is not about skipping over a rope or playing hopscotch in a playground. But if you’re doubting that play is for you and not exclusively for your kids, allow me to share some simple science.

Have you ever heard of dopamine? Our brains release a hormone called dopamine when we engage in enjoyable activities. This hormone is associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation. To keep it super simple – fun things feel good for a reason. We have dear dopamine to thank for that. As dopamine plays a crucial role in many brain functions such as movement, mood, and motivation, we NEED it! Without its regular release, we are at higher risk of developing mental health problems. So just get out there and do anything you find fun. Whether it’s cooking, cleaning, running, drumming, gardening, rollerskating, playing games… it’s all considered play. So go and enjoy!

Now I’m no expert, but if play is going to contribute towards my own happiness and zest for life, I’m game.


Feel Inspired?

Thanks for taking your time to reading this post. I hope you found it useful.

We’ll dive deeper into the above plus much more in my coaching program. If you’re considering life coaching, let’s get in touch so we can talk about your options.

Picture of Anjuli Arora

Anjuli Arora

Life coach and fashion designer, providing words of wisdom and tongue in cheek humour to get you thinking.

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