Ha! I tricked you.
You probably thought I was going to say “practice makes perfect.” But if you’ve read enough of my rambles, you’d know I don’t believe in perfection. Neither do I believe it exists, nor do I believe that striving for it would be a worthwhile pursuit – even if it did.
(But it doesn’t).
If you ask me, practice simply makes practice more enjoyable.
Practice – Just Because
In a world obsessed with end results and grand achievements, it’s easy to forget that not everything we do in life needs to have a profound purpose or meaning. We get carried away, working relentlessly towards end goals, often neglecting to get blissfully lost in the magical moment that is passing us by.
Allow me to gently remind you, as I often remind myself, that not every goal requires an end goal. Does that sound perplexing? Not every goal needs an end goal. Sometimes the intention of just enjoying the moment is good enough. It’s perfectly valid to live out your time on this earth without the constant pursuit of improvement.
In an environment that places enormous weight on self development and growth, this may come as a surprise to you, but my friend – being good, better, or the best at something does not make you a better person.
So remove the expectations and the pressure you’re putting on yourself, and go and get high on your hobbies, just because you can. Go on.