What You Talking About?

Wacky images, cheeky humour, and little nuggets of wisdom, my blog is intended as easy reading and a casual reminder not to take it all too seriously. From meditative mindfulness to the magic of sweet, sweet mindlessness – I’ve got you covered.

Tag: trust



People often say that Karma is a bitch, but I couldn’t disagree more. Karma is caring. Karma is kind. Karma carefully and meticulously weighs up

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Be More Tree

The tree. One of the most incredible forces of nature. I’m in awe of the way they stand strong, rooted in the earth, stretching their

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Mindful or Mind Full?

Mindful or Mind Full?

In today’s culture of information-overload, it’s easy to get caught up in the never ending cycle of communication we’re inundated with. There’s information coming at us

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