The Balance Bank

The Balance Bank? What? ‘Must be a typo’ I hear you say. Nope. Absolutely not. I couldn’t care less about bank balances. (Actually that’s not true at all… I’m currently working on getting my finances under control. I shopped too much last year, and I’m therefore not buying any clothes for a whole year. No lie.) Anyway – I digress! What I’m talking about is a currency worth so much more than money… your life balance. Hear me out.

The Kind of Balance Worth More than Your Monzo

As a life coach, balance is a big, big topic of conversation amongst myself, my clients and my peers. We all talk about the importance of it; wanting it, needing it and feeling off track when we don’t have it. However, we rarely talk about what happens when we are in balance. This is an interesting conversation, as this state of being is peaceful, enjoyable, drama free, and feels freaking great. Sometimes the feeling is fleeting, but I still don’t think it should be taken for granted.

Spoken like a true libra, being balanced is the best feeling in the world. It’s the number one state that I’m generally seeking as a human being. Some people seek purpose, some seek meaning, others seek happiness. I seek balance, because when all areas of my life are working in sweet harmony with each other, I feel flow. I feel alive, and I feel like anything is possible.

Greater than any currency, and worth more than the money in your Monzo, being balanced is the foundation for us to achieving anything we want. And guess what? There’s an added bonus; achieving balance is an achievement in itself. It’s a win-win situation.

Keep Your Life in Check

So what is balance, really? Well – it’s a state of being in which all areas of our lives are working in unity. It refers to a feeling of equilibrium. A state where we are not overwhelmed or stressed by any one aspect of our lives. Essentially, it’s keeping our lives in check (pun intended).

I refer to finding balance as life’s greatest achievement, as it involves taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental health, while also fulfilling our various responsibilities and pursuing our interests and passions. It’s a lot! It really is. It requires discipline, commitment, and dedication. So believe me when I say we deserve a medal if we can find it. But considering there’s no medal man or balance boy to hand out awards to us, I’ve found my own way: The Balance Bank.

Deposit your Way to Happiness

The Balance Bank is about tuning in with yourself and being grateful. When just one thing is going great, focus your attention on it. Live it, feel it, breathe it, journal about it, meditate on it. Soak it all up, celebrate it, revel in it, and be thrilled about it. Then deposit this delicious fuel into your hypothetical bank. By focussing your attention on the things which are going well, you’ll be surprised at how the gratitude will have a ripple effect. It will start impacting other areas of your life for the better. So take nothing for granted, and explore ways to deposit your gratitude.

Let’s be realistic. It will probably only be on the rare occasion that ALL of the aspects of your life are working in harmony with each other. Work, relationships, fun, physical health, diet, money. It’s a lot to juggle. Although not impossible, it’s a lot to balance, all in one go – day in, and day out. It’s natural that some areas of our lives would become neglected as a consequence of focussing our attention on another. For example, if we’re smashing it at work, perhaps we have less time and energy for fun or friendships. Or similarly, if we’re incredibly focused on our exercise regime, it might mean that we’re not achieving our work goals!

But you know what? Balance isn’t about achieving excellence or perfection. It’s about prioritising and being realistic with ourselves. It doesn’t mean having it all, because we’ll never have it all. But we can certainly appreciate it all. So go ahead and find ways to document your wins. Because I’m positive they will have a positive impact on you finding your balance.

Little Moments, Big Rewards

In the Balance Bank, every deposit counts. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small win, a step forward in the right direction, or simply a little moment of joy. The more deposits you make, the richer you become. And I’m talking about the good kind of rich. The ‘enriched’ kind of rich.

So take a moment to celebrate the little moments, the big ones, and everything in between. Life is full of ups and downs, but by focusing on the good, you’ll be surprised at how much more balanced you can become. And if the above fails and you simply can’t find balance between the different aspects of you life, work on finding harmony between your body and mind, because this is where the true beauty to life lies.

Feel Inspired?

Thanks for taking your time to reading this post. I hope you found it useful.

We’ll dive deeper into the above plus much more in my coaching program. If you’re considering life coaching, let’s get in touch so we can talk about your options.

Picture of Anjuli Arora

Anjuli Arora

Life coach and fashion designer, providing words of wisdom and tongue in cheek humour to get you thinking.

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