The ‘Beauty’ Industry and the Ugly Lie

Just a warning – this is a small rant about the beauty industry. You’re welcome to stop reading if you don’t want to hear it.

The Ugly Lie

The ‘beauty’ industry is a multi billion dollar industry which has been selling the idea of ‘perfection’ to us for decades. However, the term beauty industry is a misnomer, as it suggests that its purpose is to make us beautiful. I find this hugely insulting and worrying, as it implies that beauty can be attained through external means. It is not, and never has been dependent on how young we look, what colour our skin is or how long our lashes are. I already told you…. we are not our hair! Deep down – I think we all know this. However, I’m sick and tired of this lie that we’re still being sold day in, day out. I want to start recognising the industry for what it really is: The External Appearance industry. Because that’s the truth.

By the way – it’s not that I don’t use or enjoy products that exist for external appearance. I’m not going to lie! I love a smudge of lipstick or some coverage for the post-acne hyper-pigmented patches on my face. But these choices have nothing to do with beauty or being beautiful. Nothing at all. I am beautiful (no matter what they say).

The Beautiful Truth

The gorgeous, amazing, beautiful truth of the matter is that true beauty comes from within. Why is this so amazing? Well, because it means we all have the opportunity to be beautiful. Beauty is a quality that comes from within, and is cultivated through self-love, kindness, and personal growth. Embracing our inner beauty means accepting our quirks, flaws and insanities. It means accepting ourselves as imperfect as we are. When we encompass inner beauty it radiates.

Beautiful people have the power to create a beautiful world.

Be Imperfect

‘Perfect’ is another word which I really have an issue with, as we often equate beauty with perfection. The external appearance industry sells us the idea that perfection can be achieved with products. But to me, the idea that perfection could ever be achieved at all is absolutely preposterous. We evolved over millions of years to become the incredible beings that we are. Why would we want more? To strive for perfection is a losing game, because it simply does not exist. The idea that we can achieve perfection through external means is an insult to our natural human form. If we are literally all unique and different, why is perfection even a word in the dictionary!?

The term perfect refers to something that is without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings. It is an ideal standard of excellence, completeness, or flawlessness. Who in the world would want to be this!? Let’s just work on being our authentic selves and put perfect in a box, and push her away.

I’m-Ageing Grace

We marvel at ancient trees and wise old women. Their wisdom shines through every gnarly knob and wrinkle. However, when it comes to ourselves, we seem to be averse to growing older. Why is this? Why would we fight something that’s inevitable? We don’t resist absorbing the knowledge and lessons that come as a result of experiencing life, so why would we fight against the time that passes as we do. We simply can’t have the wisdom without the age!

Every wrinkle and grey hair is a testament to a life well-lived. We should wear them like badges of honour, reminding us of all the challenges we’ve overcome and the lessons we’ve learned. So let’s embrace every stage of our journey, from the first laugh lines to the deeper ones earned through years of joy and pain. For in the end, it’s not the external appearance that matters, but the wisdom and love we carry in our hearts.

Feel Inspired?

Thanks for taking your time to reading this post. I hope you found it useful.

We’ll dive deeper into the above plus much more in my coaching program. If you’re considering life coaching, let’s get in touch so we can talk about your options.

Picture of Anjuli Arora

Anjuli Arora

Life coach and fashion designer, providing words of wisdom and tongue in cheek humour to get you thinking.

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