The Best
Simply The Best

We’re a funny bunch – us humans. For some reason or another, it seems that ‘good enough’ is, ironically, not actually good enough for us. Everyone seems to be striving to be the best.

Recently I’ve realised, though, that there’s ALWAYS going to be something ‘better’ out there. A bigger house, a nicer car, a prettier partner… a higher bank balance. There is absolutely always something that’s seemingly better than what we already have. And considering ‘best’ is purely subjective, who are we to judge anyway?

I want to drill home the humble reality that striving to be the best might not always work in our favour. Not for finding happiness, anyway. Trying to be perfect is a perfect recipe for disaster, and that’s simply because perfection doesn’t exist… so when does the hunt for bigger and better ever stop? With a ‘more is more’ approach, we’re destined to fail. Furthermore, if we’re always striving to be better and better, when will we ever have the time and energy to enjoy the ride?

The sooner we realise that all the things we think we should be working towards – the bigger house, nicer car, prettier partner and greater influx of money are not reasonable measures of success, the sooner we will be able to experience true happiness and freedom. The list of ‘shoulds’ is simply a checklist of societal conditioning and dreamed-up ideals that are not ideal at all!

I say we unlearn all of that. I propose we live more nakedly, and discover what it actually means to be human. Because I know for damn sure it isn’t what we’ve been told it is.

So here’s my point. I’m not implying that we shouldn’t have goals or dreams, strive for better, or work towards things that are meaningful to us. We absolutely should. Living with intention and being kind will make this life an enjoyable one. But let’s drop the relentless hunt for perfection. Let’s forget about trying to be the best.

This life is really not about being the best. It’s not about having the best, looking the best, or wanting the best. This life, quite simply, is about doing our best. Consequently, that’s about the best advice I have to offer.

Feel Inspired?

Thanks for taking your time to reading this post. I hope you found it useful.

We’ll dive deeper into the above plus much more in my coaching program. If you’re considering life coaching, let’s get in touch so we can talk about your options.

Picture of Anjuli Arora

Anjuli Arora

Life coach and fashion designer, providing words of wisdom and tongue in cheek humour to get you thinking.

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