I know the old (and, may I add, worn out) saying goes, ‘to fail is not an option’.
However, I happen to think that’s a load of bullshit. If you ask me, to NOT TRY is not an option. I hope you try. And I hope you fail. And I hope you fail again, and again, and again, until one magical and unexpected time, all your lessons come together in one huge, climatic, and glorious….failure. (Then I hope you try at a bunch of other stuff, fail some more, learn some more, and realise that if you never try, you’ll never know.)
Calm down – I’m rooting for you. I hope you win too…a lot. But that’s not the point of this post.
Winning is lovely, but it’s within all the struggles of life that all the growth, texture, and learning lies. Let’s flip our perspective to acknowledge that if we failed, it’s because we were brave enough to try. That, to me, is worth all the recognition and praise.
The ‘F’ Word
I often hear people saying ‘I wish I was good at that’, or ‘I could never do that’. To which I obviously ask – have you actually tried?? Honestly – more often than not, the answer is no. Or ‘I tried once but I was rubbish at it’. How sad. Are we really ready to give up on the things we really want to do because we tried once and we were rubbish at it? Or for the fear of failure? Fuck no!
I find the fear of never knowing a much more terrifying concept than failing. After all, we might only get this one life to find out. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. And If you still fail, you hate it, and it’s ruining your mood, pop it into your box of lessons, and try something else.
Go on… Just do it.